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Summer 2024

God's Faithfulness Seen with New AIPM Missionaries

“We are so much grateful for God’s provision, especially for our mission work and every need we have. Also, we want to thank Him for His protection on each of us, especially our missionaries working in very unsecured and unsafe regions of the country. Since January 2024, many new things have taken placei n our missionary sending endeavor. We have increased the number of our missionaries by 52, and now the total number of AIPM missionaries has grown to 642!”

Spring 2024

God Works!

God is mightily moving through the ministry of AIPM. We are so grateful for His excellent provision and protection. Currently, across Ethiopia, we have 590 missionaries sent and working. Last year alone, over 11,000 people came to Chris, and over 370 house churches were planted! God is doing an amazing work in Ethiopia through AIPM.

December 2023

Courageous Kingdom Advancement in 2023

It’s been an amazing year! Courageous Kingdom Advancement are the best three words I
can offer to describe the ministry of AIPM in 2023.


April 2020 Ethiopia Update​
Dr. Desta and His Wife Zenebech Give Their Testimony​
A 5 Minutes Journey to Mount Ambaritcho​
What is AIPM? What is it doing?
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Desta Means Joy

This is an incredible story about a man who became a follower of Jesus Christ as a young boy and in his teenage years was put in prison by the communist government that had overthrown the last emperor of Ethiopia. Even after receiving over 300 lashes, he refused to renounce his faith in Jesus Christ.

The Power of Prayer

Share the journey of how the extraordinary Power of Prayer has impacted the life of Dr. Desta Langena Letta. Follow him as he documents personal stories and historical facts from creation to the end times.

This is the Gospel

Through a God-ordained partnership with Life Baptist Church of Las Vegas, NV we have been given these wonderful resources for discipleship that have been translated into Amharic. There are four books to guide you through the journey of new believer  to disciple maker. Click on the links provided below to download your copy. 

You may visit the site directly and read more about this great resource and find additional resources available for you. 

I’ll add a form once we get FMS connected.