The movement begins...
The Ambaricho International Prayer & Missions Movement started on a 10,000-foot Mountain called Ambaricho. It is located 6 hours south of Addis Ababa near the town of Durame Ethiopia. Mount Ambaricho was the seat of many witch doctors from the Abba Sarecho family. They were worshiped by the people of the area for over 700 years.
Christian missionaries arrived at the southern part of Ethiopia in the late 1920’s from England, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Their faithful endeavor brought the conversion of natives who were very bold to share their faith in Christ. Their day and night prayer fueled the speed of the Gospel, which transformed the lives of the people. To that effect, currently over 95% of the Kambatta tribe are evangelical Christians today. The last of the Abba Sarecho submitted to Jesus Christ about 25 years ago.