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A Divine Partnership...

Ambaricho International Prayer and Mission Movement USA (AIPM USA), is a partner with Ambaricho International Prayer and Mission Movement (AIPM in Ethiopia, a dynamic grassroots movement of prayer and missions outreach centered in Southern Ethiopia. AIPM USA is directed by a Board of Directors which function as an Incorporated Not for Profit Corporation in the United States, registered in the state of Indiana. The Ambaricho Prayer and Mission Movement (AIPM)s a Prayer and Mission sending organization that is registered as a Non-Profit Charitable Organization in Ethiopia. AIPM is also registered in the United States as a 501 c3 Charitable Organization as the Ambaricho Prayer and Mission Movement USA (AIPM USA).

Board Members

Dr. Desta Langena Letta
AIPM Ethiopia Director
Matt Mendenhall
AIPM USA Executive Director
David Day
AIPM USA Board Chair
Justin Slemp
AIPM USA vice chair
David Mai
AIPM Ethiopia Director
Jeff Stetten
AIPM USA Board Member Secretary Treasurer
Endeshaw Areko
AIPM USA Board Member
John LaGrange
AIPM USA Board Member
Nicholas Morgan
AIPM USA Board Member

Our Staff

Hollie Mendenhall
Web and Communications
Lainey Cooley
NEWSLETTER and graphics

I’ll add a form once we get FMS connected.